Aktiviteter i 2024 - Aktivities in 2024


Hvis I undrer jeg over, at der har været stille omkring Agri Business Development i 2024, skyldes det, at Tage desværre blev alvorligt syg og gik bort i foråret 2024. Det er naturligvis et stort savn og har stor betydning for foreningens aktiviteter. Vi genoptager nu foreningens aktiviteter og er ved at rejse midler til at afholde kurser i foråret 2025. Så nu holder vi oplæg og skriver ansøgninger. 

If you are wondering why there has been so silent regarding Agri Business Development during 2024, it is because Tage unfortunately got seriously ill and passed away in the spring of 2024. This is, of course, a great loss and has a significant impact on the association's activities. We are now resuming the association's activities and are in the process of raising funds to conduct courses in the spring of 2025. So, we are currently giving presentations and writing applications 

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