Forberedelser til 2025 - Preparations for 2025

Vores netværk i Zambia, har spurgt om vi kan afholde kurser i tre nye områder, Kutabataba, Filibaba and Lwankole i Chingola Distrikt. Det vil vi meget gerne. Så er vi i gang med at indsamle midler, så vi kan holde kurserne i 2025. Hvis det lykkes, holder vi kurserne i april 2025.
Our network in Zambia has asked if we can hold courses in three new areas, Kutabataba, Filibaba, and Lwankole in Chingola District. We would very much like to do so. We are now doing our best to search for funding to allow us to run the courses in 2025. If successful, we will run the courses in April 2025.