Kurser i Chingola Distrikt 2022 - Courses Chingola District 2022
Opsamling på årets kurser - Evaluation of the courses of the year
Flere af deltagerne kunne ikke læse og skrive, derfor brugte vi mange billeder i undervisningen, så hvis ikke de kunne skrive noter, kunne de tegne noter. Der blev udleveret noteshæfte og kuglepen, så alle havde mulighed for at deltage. Der var ikke tavle eller mulighed for at hænge noget op, derfor brugte vi bilen til at hænge de medbragte whiteboard-ruller op på. Efter kurset fik deltagerne en snacktærte til frokost med frugtsaft til. De fik desuden udleveret bevis på deltagelse som samtidig fungerede som adgang til at få et brev frø, så den nye viden kunne omsættes i praksis.
This year too, there was an overwhelming interest and participation when we arrived to conduct the courses for the small-scale farmers, women and men - young and old. In total more than 750 participated in the three courses across Chingola District and several participants had walked or transported themselves many kilometres to particpate.
Several of the participants could not read and write, therefore we used many pictures and visuals during the sessions, so that if the participants could not write notes, then they could draw notes. Notebooks and pens were provided so that everyone had the opportunity to participate. There selcom a blackboard or the opportunity to hang up something, so we used the car to hang up the whiteboard rolls we had brought with us. After the course, the participants received a snack pie for lunch with fruit juice. They were also given proof of participation, which at the same time functioned as access to get a small bag of seed of their choice, so that the newly acquired knowledge could be put into practice.
Kursus i Ipafu August 2022 - Course at Ipafu 2022

The course in Ipafu is one out of three places where we conduct courses, so that all small-scale farmers in Chingola District have the opportunity to participate in a course in relative proximity to their homes. However, this may imply that they have to walk or otherwise transport say themselves up to 25 km. to participate.
We managed to visit the local solar-powered hammer mill, where the local farmers can get their maize and soybeans grounded. The hammer mill is part of a nationwide government project based on the cooperative idea and self-payment. After a long day we enjoyed the sunset and a good local meal.
Kursus i Muchinshi August 2022 - Course at Muchinshi August 2022
Trods den lange afstand til kurset deltog et overvældende antal lokale landmænd, mænd og kvinder. I lighed med de øvrige kurser modtog deltagerne efter kurset et bevis, som også fungerede som tilgodebevis på køb af frø, således at deltagerne kunne omsætte læring i praksis med det samme.
Despite the long distance to the course, an overwhelming number of local farmers, men and women, participated. In line with the other courses, the participants received a certificate after the course, which also functioned as a credit note for the purchase of seeds, so that the participants could put learning into practice immediately.
Kursus i Kalilo august 2022 - Course at Kalilo August 2o22
Også på kurset i Kalilo deltog et overvældende antal lokale landmænd. Der var meget stor interesse for at høre om, hvordan deltagerne kan drive deres små landbrug - ofte mindre end 5 hektarer - mere effektivt. Familierne lever ofte flere generationer sammen og dyrker markafgrøder, grønsager samt holder husdyr som familien eneste indtægt. Derfor betyder planlægning og afsætning af produkter så utrolig meget for den lokale landmand.
Also at Kalilo an overwhelming number of local farmers participated in the course. There was a keen interest in getting knowledge about how the participants can run their small-scale farms - often less than 5 hectares - more efficiently. The families often live more generations together and grow field crops, vegetables, and keep livestock as the family's only income. That is why planning and marketing of products are of such importance to the small-scale farmer.