Tusind tak til alle for et fantastisk kursus i Kawama - Thank you very much for a fantastic course at Kawama

Vi nåede omkring at tale om, hvordan Business Generation Model Canvas kan bruges til at lægge en forretningsplan, når man går fra at sælge overskudsproduktion fra egen husholdning til at tænke landbrugsbedrift også som husmand. Vi fik talt om valg af kunder og kunderelationer samt ikke mindst om vidensdeling og samarbejde i lokalsamfundet i andelsgrupperne og kvindegrupperne. Business Generation Model Canvas blev koblet sammen med BCG Matrix og valg af markafgrøder, grønsager og husdyrhold, så den enkelte får valgt at producere netop det, hun eller han er bedst til samtidig med, at der er god afsætning. BCG Matrix´en blev desuden brugt sammen med en produkts livscyklus til at illustrere, hvordan en afgrødes profitabilitet kan forandre sig over tid. Undervejs havde vi en konstant fokus på først og fremmest at sikre familiens underhold samt bæredygtighed gennem anvendelse af kompost og rotation af afgrøder.
Efter kurset fik deltagerne en let frokost i form af en tærte og et glas sommerdrik, som blev delt, mens der ivrigt blev snakket og taget yderligere notater. Fantastisk at se, hvordan deltagerne ivrigt diskuterede kursets indhold og stillede flere spørgsmål, for eksempel om hvordan leucena kan indgå i kompostproduktion.
Many thanks to everyone for a fantastic course in Kawama on 8 August and not least to Felix Mpange, Nicodemus Mambwe and Felix Kalaba for translation and practical implementation. Without you, the courses would not be possible. Many thanks to the approximately 300 actively participating and listening small-scale farmers, women and men, young and old. Finally, many thanks to friends of the association who gave us a loan so that we could complete another course.
We managed to talk about how the Business Generation Model Canvas can be used to create a business plan when you tranform from selling surplus production from your own household to thinking about farming as a small-scale farmer as well. We talked about choosing customers and customer relationships and not least about knowledge sharing and cooperation in the local community in the cooperatives and women's clubs. The Business Generation Model Canvas was linked together with the BCG Matrix and the choice of field crops, vegetables and livestock, so that the individual can choose to produce exactly what he or she is best at while also having good sales. The BCG Matrix was also used together with a product's life cycle to illustrate how a crop's profitability can change over time. Along the way, we had a constant focus on first and foremost ensuring the family's sustenance and furthermore sustainability through the use of compost and crop rotation.
The participants received a light lunch after the course consisting of a pie and a glass of soft drink, which was shared while they chatted eagerly and took further notes. Great to see how the participants eagerly discussed the content of the course and asked further questions, for example about how leucena can be included in compost production.